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RETAIL AND E-COMMERCE MARKETS IN RUSSIA Results of 9M 2024. Trends for 2024.
Release date: 27.12.2024
Languages: Russian, English
Number of pages: 47
Format: PDF
Structure of the research

In research «RETAIL AND E-COMMERCE MARKETS IN RUSSIA Results of 9M 2024. Trends for 2024» INFOLine specialists provided a forecast for the development of the Russian e-commerce market until 2028, identified the key drivers of its development, assessed the impact of the economic crisis and parallel import on the emergence of new consumer habits, and conducted a comparative analysis of the largest players in the Russian e-commerce market.

As of 9M 2024, Russian e-commerce market continues to grow: market size was ₽7.68 trillion, e-commerce penetration level was 19.1%, however, with the support of strong macroeconomic and telecommunication fundamentals and under influence of key drivers it will grow up to ₽33.0 trillion in 2029 (e-commerce penetration level will reach 38.3%).

E-commerce growth drivers were the continuing traffic stagnation in shopping centers and transition of demand to online sales, products of international companies withdrawn from the Russian market predominantly offered online (on marketplaces), a change in consumer behavior in the form of a shift in focus to the search and comparison of online offers, as well as the logistics infrastructure development by leading marketplaces.

Russian e-commerce market is highly fragmented compared to other international countries which creates substantial opportunity for market consolidation and market share gains for leading multi-category marketplace players.

Research methods and sources of information:

Monitoring data from 5000 media, more than 30 thousand investment projects, a survey of thousands of representatives of leading Russian companies, materials of the Central Bank of Russia, the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing, the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the UN’s Comtrade Database, the portal of the Presidential Administration, the data of the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Communal Services under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Energy, the Federal Customs Service, the common interdepartmental information and statistical system, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), etc.

IFRS and RAS reports filed by international and Russian companies;
regularly updated INFOLine’s analytical databases;
results of the key industry forums and conferences;
materials of corporate websites, press releases, interviews with business leaders;
INFOLine’s database: “Investment projects and engineering in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation”, “Investment projects in the industrial construction of the Russian Federation”, “Investment projects in civil construction of the Russian Federation”, “Investment projects in transport construction of the Russian Federation”;
materials from 5000+ Russian media (federal and regional press, news agencies, electronic media), as well as the industry press.
Russian construction industry.
The Results of 2023 and Trends for 2024.
Release date: 31.03.2024
Languages: Russian, English
Number of pages: 130
Format: hard and soft copy
Price: 150 000 rub.
Purpose of the Research:
  • Analysis of the state of the whole industry and its segments separately by type of facilities under construction (housing, industrial, infrastructure and commercial construction).
  • Rating of developers in terms of housing commissioning, rating of retail real estate developers.
  • Identification and description of major investment projects.
  • Overview of the construction dynamics and the vector of industry development by describing milestones.
  • Presentation of state regulation.
  • Analysis of the building materials industry (single-piece wall materials, non-metallic materials, cement and other materials).
Relevance of the Research

«The construction industry is currently facing a number of new challenges, including the instability of demand in the context of a pandemic, changes in the regulatory framework and parameters of state support, as well as an investment pause in a number of segments. Demand for housing and construction and finishing materials continues to remain at a high level: housing commissioning in 2021, according to preliminary estimates, exceeded 90 million sq. m., which is a record for the industry and exceeds 2020 figures by almost 10%. At the same time, the main increase in input volumes occurred in the segment of individual housing construction.

In the segment of commercial and administrative construction, against the background of new restrictions due to the increase in the incidence of covid, there is a massive postponement of project deadlines and a decrease in the laying of new ones. The exception remains objects in the field of warehouse infrastructure, the demand for which is supported by high rates of retail and online trade development in Russia. In infrastructure construction, major infrastructure projects are being implemented and prepared, such as the reconstruction of the BAM and Transsib, the construction of the M12 Moscow-Kazan highway.

INFOLine specialists analyzed in detail the construction of facilities under the "National Projects" program with financing of more than 5 trillion rubles in 2022-2023. How and in which directions the high level of state funding will be maintained, read the review "Construction and the construction materials industry of Russia 2022". With this product, you will be able to analyze the development of companies, regions and industry indicators as a whole, as well as prepare a strategic business development plan for 2022-2024.»

Research Advantages.

In addition to a detailed analysis of the industry condition, you will find in the Research:

  • Several custom ratings compiled by INFOLine analysts:
  • INFOLine BUILDING RUSSIA TOP-10 Rating according to the results of 2019
  • INFOLine DEVELOPER RUSSIA TOP-10 Rating according to the results of 2019
  • Description of major ongoing projects in housing, commercial, industrial and transport construction
  • Comprehensive analysis of key industry events and regulatory changes
  • Information on the dynamics of the building materials market and market surveys of major suppliers.
The Results of 2021 and Trends for 2022.
Release date: 31.03.2022
Languages: Russian, English
Number of pages: 168
Format: hard and soft copy
Price: 150 000 rub.
Relevance of the Research:
  • Analysis of the status and development prospects of the transport industry as a whole and by individual transport modes (rail, water, road, air)
  • Description of milestones in the transport industry by market segments, companies
  • Rating of railway companies in terms of traffic volume and fleet in the management, rating of ports by cargo turnover, rating of airlines by goods and passenger transport
  • Analysis of regulatory changes, trends in government regulation of the transport industry
  • Identification and description of major investment projects in the transport industry
  • Description of key market players
  • Preparation of a scenario forecast for the transport industry development.
Relevance of the Research

Russia's transport system is one of the longest in the world, but its significant drawback is the radial nature that has historically developed as a result of the political development of the country as a state with strong centralization.

The freight transportation market in Russia in 2021 experienced rapid growth both in physical volumes and in monetary terms. In 2021, loading on the Russian Railways network increased by 3.2% to 1282.9 million tons, and cargo turnover – by 3.7% to 2638 billion tons-km. The total mileage of trucks on federal highways in 2021 increased by 3.2%. Other types of transportation and the pipeline system also showed positive dynamics.

Against the background of growing demand in the second half of 2021, the shortage of transport services has worsened. Thus, the cost of trucking has increased by 20-40%, and the rental rates of gondola cars have increased almost 2-3 times relative to the beginning of 2021.

In 2021, a Transport strategy was adopted until 2030 and with a forecast until 2035, according to which the volume of cargo transportation by inland waterway will grow to 222 million tons by 2035, road transport – 6101 million tons, rail – 1703 million tons, and the volume of containerization of transportation to 16-20% in 2035. At the same time, container transit through the territory of the Russian Federation will have to increase 4 times by 2027.

In order to analyze in detail the state of the industry and understand how and in which segments it will develop, we have prepared this review. With this product, you will be able to analyze the company's development in comparison with competitors and industry indicators as a whole, as well as prepare a strategic business development plan.

Research Advantages:

In addition to a detailed analysis of the industry condition, you will find in the Research:

  • Innovative format of electronic presentation
  • Structured description and analysis of trends and prospects for the transport industry development in Russia
  • Custom ratings compiled by INFOLine analysts:
  • INFOLine Rail Russia TOP Rating in terms of traffic and fleet in management
  • Port rating by freight turnover
  • Ratings of airlines on the transportation volume of goods and passengers
  • Company profiles for TOP-10 operators of railway rolling stock (UCL Rail, FFC, Globaltrans, NefteTransServis, Transoil).
The Results of 2021 and Trends for 2022.
Release date: 31.03.2022
Languages: Russian, English
Number of pages: 150
Format: hard and soft copy
Price: 150 000 rub.
Purposes of the Research:
  • insights into the state of affairs in the agricultural industry as a whole and individual segments (meat, dairy, grain and oil, vegetables, etc.);
  • description of landmark events in the farming industry by market segments and companies;
  • analysis of changes to the government regulation of the industry (adoption and entry into force of key regulatory documents);
  • identification and description of the biggest M&A;
  • identification and description of the major investment projects across the industry segments;
  • review of exports/imports and global activities of the industry’s players;
  • ranking big-league food companies in Russia by financial performance;
  • analysis of business performance by industry players
Relevance of the Research

The relevance of the study "Agro-industrial complex of Russia 2022 "

The export of agricultural products from Russia in 2021 for the second year in a row in the new history of the country exceeded imports. According to INFOLine's preliminary estimate, exports of agricultural and food products have almost reached $35 billion (+15%). Russia is one of the world's twenty largest food exporters.

In 2021, record harvests of sunflower, sugar beet, greenhouse vegetables were obtained in the country, as well as the production of commercial aquaculture, livestock and poultry (in live weight) and milk increased. In 2022, it is projected to increase the acreage under spring grain, sugar beet, rapeseed, soy, potatoes and vegetables of the open ground.

An increase in world food prices by 28%, according to FAO, disruption of logistics chains, inflation, according to preliminary estimates, will add 10% or more to the increase in the cost of food in Russia.

In 2021-2022, the main challenges for the agro-industrial complex are rising prices for raw materials and high volatility of costs at all stages of production, as well as a shortage of personnel.

To stimulate the further development of the industry in the Russian Federation, several sectoral strategies are being implemented:

• The "Strategy for the development of the agro–industrial and fisheries complexes of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030" assumes an increase in the gross value added created in agriculture by 2024 to 5374.8 billion rubles (by 2030 - 7000 billion rubles), including due to a significant increase in exports.

• The Law "On Viticulture and Winemaking": a ban on the use of imported wine materials for the production of wines in Russia is introduced.

• 285 billion rubles will be allocated for the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets in 2022, and in subsequent years - 2023 and 2024 - 304.7 and 326.9 billion, respectively.

In the near future, the industry will continue to consolidate the industry, further building vertical integration, including through M&A transactions, and digitalization of the industry as a whole, which should ensure cost reduction, margin growth and increased competition.

In order to analyze in detail the state of the industry and understand how and in which segments it will develop, we have prepared this review. With this product, you will be able to analyze the company's development in comparison with competitors and industry indicators as a whole, as well as prepare a strategic business development plan.

Research Advantages:

In addition to a detailed analysis of the development of the industry, you will find in the Research:

  • a number of original expert ratings;
  • insights into the rollout of upgrade and construction projects at livestock farms, greenhouse facilities, granaries, etc.
  • insights, market survey of big-league FMCG suppliers.
The Results of 2021 and Trends for 2022.
Release date: 31.03.2022
Languages: Russian, English
Number of pages: 150
Format: hard and soft copy
Price: 150 000 rub.
Purposes of the Research:
  • insights into the state of affairs in the food industry in general and by segments (meat, fish, fat and oil, milk, flour, confectionery, grain, pasta, sugar, beverages, tea and coffee, tobacco);
  • review of food manufacture, sales and consumption trends, industry’s development trends by describing flagship events;
  • analysis of changes to the government regulation of the industry (adoption and entry into force of key regulatory documents);
  • identification and description of the biggest M&A;
  • identification and description of the major investment projects across the industry segments;
  • review of exports/imports and global activities of the industry’s players;
  • analysis of new products launched on the Russian market;
  • ranking big-league food companies in Russia by financial performance;
  • analysis of business performance by industry players.
Relevance of the study "Food and Beverage Production in Russia 2022":

The food industry has been one of the drivers of industrial production in Russia since 2014. According to INFOLine's preliminary estimates, food production growth in 2021 was at least 2%. The expansion of the raw material base, the growth of consumption, the competitive price of domestic products and the development of exports contribute to the increase in volumes.

To stimulate further development of the industry in the Russian Federation, several industry strategies are being implemented:

• The "Strategy for the development of the agro–industrial and fisheries complexes of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030" assumes an increase in the gross added value of food production by 2024 to 2841.9 billion rubles (by 2030 - 3295.9 billion rubles), including due to a significant increase in exports of finished products.

• The Law "On Viticulture and Winemaking": a ban on the use of imported wine materials for the production of wines in Russia is introduced.

In 2021-2022, the main challenge for the food industry is the rise in raw material prices and high volatility of costs at all stages of production. An increase in world food prices by 28%, according to FAO, disruption of logistics chains, inflation, according to preliminary estimates, will add 10% or more to the increase in the cost of food in Russia.

Also, the industry is influenced by the change in consumer behavior of Russians: citizens are paying more and more attention to their health, changing the structure of consumed products and at the same time showing thrift due to a drop in purchasing power. Against this background, the market of vegetable alternatives (meat, dairy and fish) is rapidly developing, and the share of STM retail chains in the consumer basket continues to grow.

In order to analyze in detail the state of the industry and understand how and in which segments it will develop, we have prepared this review. With this product, you will be able to analyze the company's development in comparison with competitors and industry indicators as a whole, as well as prepare a strategic business development plan.

Research Advantages:

In addition to a detailed analysis of the development of the industry, you will find in the Research:

  • a number of original ratings by INFOLine experts;
  • insights into upgrade and construction projects of food industry enterprises;
  • insights into the food market trends;
  • insights, market survey of big-league FMCG suppliers.
The Results of 2021 and Trends for 2022.
Release date: 31.03.2022
Languages: Russian, English
Number of pages: 220
Format: hard and soft copy
Price: 150 000 rub.
Purposes of the Research:
  • Analysis of the status and development trends for the fuel and energy complex as a whole and for industries (oil, gas, coal, electricity).
  • Ratings of companies by oil production and refining, gas production and processing, coal mining, as well as a rating of generating companies by electricity production.
  • Description of the dynamics and development trends in the fuel and energy sector by describing its milestones.
  • Identification and description of major ongoing investment projects.
  • Presentation of state regulation.
Relevance of the Research

Production indicators of fuel and energy industries in Russia are growing in the context of the recovery of global demand for energy. By the end of 2021, oil production with gas condensate increased by 2.2% to 524.05 million tons, gas production increased by 10% to 762.3 billion cubic meters - a record figure for Russia over the past 20 years. Coal production in Russia in 2021 increased by 8.9% to 438.09 million tons, only slightly behind the record figure of 2019 - 442.7 million tons. The price rally in the coal and gas markets in the second half of 2021 ensured the growth of exports of these energy carriers. Gas exports to non-CIS countries increased by 3.2% to 185.1 billion cubic meters, and foreign supplies of Russian coal increased by 5.7% to 214.368 million tons.

The study characterizes the production, financial and investment indicators of the industries and companies of the fuel and energy sector in dynamics, describes key investment projects, and aggregates key events (mergers and acquisitions, commissioning of production facilities, international projects, resignations and appointments) in the oil, gas and coal industries and the electric power industry. Based on these data, a forecast of the development of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation and separately the oil, gas and coal industries for the period up to 2024 has been formed. The results of the study are effectively used by the largest fuel and energy companies, engineering companies, as well as banks and leasing companies for strategic and operational planning, as well as industry analysis.

In order to analyze in detail the state of the industry and understand how and in which segments it will develop, we have prepared this review. With this product, you will be able to analyze the company's development in comparison with competitors and the industry as a whole, as well as prepare a strategic business development plan.

Research Advantages:

The study conducted a detailed analysis of business activity in the fuel and energy sector, and also formed:

  • 8 ratings - ratings of companies in each industry compiled by INFOLine analysts: oil production and refining, gas production and processing, coal mining;
  • more than 80 investment projects:
  • • descriptions of the largest implemented industrial projects in the field of oil production, transportation and refining
  • • descriptions of the largest implemented industrial projects of the gas industry;
  • • descriptions of the largest implemented industrial projects of the coal industry;
  • • 18 business certificates - information about the results of the work of the largest companies in the industry.
Food retail in Russia
The Results of 2021 and Trends for 2022.
Release date: 31.03.2022
Languages: Russian, English
Number of pages: 150
Format: hard and soft copy
Price: 150 000 rub.
Purposes of the Research:
  • FMCG Retail Industry Overview
  • FMCG retailer rating by revenue, number of retail properties, volume of selling space and formats
  • Overview of the industry development vector by describing its milestones
  • Industry development forecast
  • Scenario forecast for the Food retail market development
  • Analysis of the activities of the industry leaders
  • Analysis of consumer behavior
  • Review and analysis of state regulation.
Relevance of the Research

By the end of 2021, retail trade turnover in the Russian Federation increased by more than 15% and exceeded 39 trillion rubles, including non–food products – by 19.5%, to 21.6 trillion rubles, and food products - by more than 11% to 18.4 trillion rubles. The turnover of Food retail at comparable prices in 2021 increased by more than 2.1%, which fully compensated for the 1.6% drop in 2020. In 2021 Under the influence of changes in customer needs, FMCG networks dramatically accelerated the development of online sales while maintaining a focus on the formation of an effective distribution chain (from logistics, direct import and STM to wholesale sales), as well as on increasing investments in IT to automate business processes and personalize customer interaction within loyalty programs using big data. The Russian FMCG market, especially in cities, has already become fully mature, and as a result of a series of M&A transactions, it continued to consolidate: in 2021, the 700 largest FMCG retail chains accounted for more than 55% of the retail food trade turnover, including the TOP-10 – about 38%. In the context of the intensification of inflationary processes, retailers are actively transforming formats: market leaders X5 and Magnit launched networks of hard discounters, and the largest operator in this segment, Svetofor, became the leader in area growth and in 2021 increased the number of retail facilities in Russia by more than 1,100, and sales by 45%. The rapid growth of E-grocery has led to the fact that by the end of 2021, the share of online sales of food products in Moscow and St. Petersburg exceeded 5%, and in the Russian market as a whole amounted to 2.2%.

In order to analyze in detail the state of the retail market and understand how and in what segments and formats it will develop, we have prepared this review. With this product, you will be able to analyze the company's development in comparison with competitors and market indicators in general, as well as prepare a strategic business development plan..

Research Advantages:
  • innovative format of electronic presentation
  • structured description and analysis of trends and prospects of FMCG market development;
  • scenario forecasts of industry development up to 2024, developed by INFOLine specialists
  • forecasts of the development of the largest FMCG networks;
  • market survey of the largest FMCG suppliers: results of 2021, forecast for 2022;
  • the basis of the research is an annually updated and replenished database of more than 1000 largest retail chains in Russia in various areas of trade, during the year, non-stop analysts collect, aggregate, verify and analyze the operational and financial indicators of Russian retail segment companies;
  • ratings of FMCG retail chains (TOP-10) by financial and operational indicators;
  • ratings of FMCG retail chains (TOP-5) in the context of trade formats (hypermarket, supermarket, discounter, convenience store, franchise projects of retail chains, specialized chains (segments "alcohol" and "meat products");
  • ratings of FMCG retail chains (TOP-5) by federal districts;
  • information on 16 largest companies: X5 Group, Magnit, Mercury Retail Group (GC "Red& White", "Bristol"), Lenta, Auchan Retail Russia, METRO AG, GC "OK", GC "Coin", "Hyperglobus", GC "Traffic Light", "Vkusville", "Maria-Ra", "Faithful", FixPrice, as well as the franchise network "Good Choice" and the alliance "Eastern Union".
Non-Food retail and consumer market of Russia
The Results of 2021 and Trends for 2022.
Release date: 29.04.2022
Languages: Russian, English
Number of pages: 160
Format: hard and soft copy
Price: 150 000 rub.
Purposes of the Research:
  • overview of the indicators of the industry as a whole and its individual segments: DIY&Household and furniture, household, computer equipment and mobile devices, fashion and children's products, cosmetics and drogery, pharmacies, online trading;
  • compiling ratings of TOP-10 retailers by revenue, number of retail facilities, retail space for each of the segments: DIY&Household and furniture, household, computer equipment and mobile devices, fashion and children's products, cosmetics and drogery, pharmacy segment, online trading;
  • overview of the vector of development of the industry by describing the most important events;
  • description of changes in consumer behavior;
  • review and analysis of state regulation.
  • development of a scenario forecast for the development of the retail market of Non-Food trade;
Relevance of the Research

By the end of 2021, retail trade turnover in the Russian Federation increased by more than 15% and exceeded 39 trillion rubles, including non–food products – by 19.5%, to 21.6 trillion rubles, and food products - by more than 11% to 18.4 trillion rubles. In 2021, sales growth was observed in all commodity segments of the non-food market, with the most positive dynamics characteristic of the Fashion, DIY and furniture segments, household appliances and electronics, and sporting goods. In 2021, a large-scale flow of demand to online continued, against the background of which the largest online hypermarkets and marketplaces demonstrated explosive sales growth, and retailers accelerated development within the omnical model of interaction with customers. Online sales of tangible goods (including cross-border trade) increased by more than 40% in 2021 and exceeded 4.1 trillion rubles, with multicategory marketplaces remaining the drivers of growth. The level of online penetration into retail trade turnover in 2021 increased by 1.9 percentage points. up to 10.5%, in sales of non–food products - by 2.1 percentage points to 18.0%, and in some categories, for example, Fashion, it is approaching 30%, and sales of household appliances, electronics and mobile devices – to 40%.

Research advantages
  • innovative format of electronic presentation;
  • the basis of the research is an annually updated and replenished database of more than 1,000 of Russia's largest retail chains in various areas of trade, during the year, non-stop analysts collect, aggregate, verify and analyze the operational and financial indicators of Russian retail segment companies;
  • coverage not only of retailers developing traditional trade formats, but also of the largest representatives of the online segment;
  • structured description and analysis of trends and development prospects in individual markets: DIY&Household and furniture, household, computer equipment and mobile devices, fashion, children's products, cosmetics and drogery, pharmacy segment, online trading;
  • NEW: in each product segment (DIY&Household and furniture, household, computer equipment and mobile devices, fashion, children's products, cosmetics and drogery, pharmacy segment), the dynamics of operating indicators of the largest chains from 2015 to 2020 is presented, as well as the main trends of the consumer market, the main trends in retail and the development of online_channels sales
  • scenario forecasts of Non-Food retail development up to 2022, developed by INFOLine
  • ratings of retail chains by financial and operational indicators by retail segments: DIY&Household and furniture, household, computer equipment and mobile devices, fashion and children's products, cosmetics and drogery, pharmacy segment, online trading.
  • references on TOP chains – leaders in Non-Food retail segments
About agency
The presentation adout INFOLine

For over 20 years INFOLine has been conducting daily monitoring and obtaining insights into the Russian economy and its individual segments. INFOLine agency has extensive experience in monitoring media, possesses unique software and facilities for dealing with any information flows. Every day the agency’s staff processes more than 20,000 materials on corporate business operations in Russia and globally. INFOLine's customers enjoy a full scope of industrial information.

INFOLine has prepared over 1000 initiative and custom-made studies about transport, construction, retail, fuel and energy, machine building, etc. The number of INFOLine's users and partners exceeds 3000 Russian and international companies.

The research is based on a common methodology and structure helping not only to obtain detailed insights within the same industry, but also to review and compare the indices of cross-industry development.

If you require a tailor-made set of information services, you can apply for a custom research. Please, fill in the application form and send it to INFOLine in order to estimate the timeline of services, the source of information, research methods and costs.

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Our customers
The comments of our customers

Галина Ящук, Директор по маркетингу
Азбука Вкуса

Компания «Азбука Вкуса» благодарит коллектив информационного агентства INFOLine за плодотворное сотрудничество в сфере аналитики по FMCG ритейлу. Наша компания приобретает обзор INFOLine c 2014 года. Каждый год мы получаем полную и достоверную информацию по розничной отрасли. Отдельно стоит отметить, что агентство INFOLine очень серьезно и ответственно относится к срокам выполнения задач и формированию ответов на запросы. От лица нашей компании выражаю Вам признательность за честные и добросовестные взаимоотношения и атмосферу взаимопонимания, которая сложилась между нашими компаниями. Будем рады дальнейшему плодотворному сотрудничеству.

Галина Ящук
Директор по маркетингу
Азбука Вкуса

А.Д. Бисикало, Заместитель Генерального директора ООО «ЭМ ЭЙЧ АЙ РУС» ООО «ЭМ ЭЙЧ АЙ РУС», компания группы Мицубиси Хэви Индастриз Лтд., выражает благодарность команде агентства INFOLine за профессионально выполненную работу по заказному исследованию в области нефтегазового сектора.

Проведенное исследование было выполнено точно в соответствии с заданием и полностью отразило необходимый объем информации и глубину анализа рынка. Хотели бы также особо отметить своевременную сдачу и качественный перевод на английский язык.

Надеемся на дальнейшее плодjтворное сотрудничество на постоянной основе. взаимоотношения и атмосферу взаимопонимания, которая сложилась между нашими компаниями. Будем рады дальнейшему плодотворному сотрудничеству.

А.Д. Бисикало
Заместитель Генерального
директора ООО ЭМ ЭЙЧ АЙ РУС

Банк России выражает благодарность информационно-аналитическому агентству INFOLine и в особенности генеральному директору Ивану Федякову за актуальное и содержательное выступление на открытии круглого стола в Банке России, где обсуждались вопросы развития розничной торговли.

Советник экономический
Департамент исследований и прогнозирования Банка России

С.Н.Ставцев Директор по внешним связям Группы Благо Группа Благо выражает благодарность ООО ;ИНФОЛайн за высокий уровень информационной и консалтинговой поддержки, оказываемый на протяжении нескольких лет.

ИА ИНФОЛайн имеет достаточно профессиональных компетенций для предоставления современной и актуальной информации об агропромышленном комплексе России. Отдельно хотелось бы отметить высокий уровент работ, проведенных специалистами в рамках подготовки Исследования и ряда Аналитических записок о состоянии масложировой промышленности РФ. Хочется отметить комплексный подход при выполнении поставленных задач, высокую квалификацию и профессионализм специалистов ИНФОЛайн.

С.Н. Ставцев
Директор по внещним связям
Группы Благо

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